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Most popular streamer takes care of the World! PewDiePie and his most notable charity donations

21 Feb, 2019

Felix Kjellberg, also known as PewDiePie the top star of YouTube, has over the years done many charity events, raising millions of dollars. The awareness he raised, beyond the initial campaigns, we simply cannot put a value on as his actions inspire thousands if not millions of people to do the same.

Charity: Water

Water is a charity he started years ago, with the initial goal of raising $250,000. Quickly smashing the goal with his supporters, he himself also donating almost $52.000, helping to bring clean water to those who were desperately in need of it. Here’s the list of communities which were impacted by Felix and contribution of his fans to this charity. Along with other YouTubers such as jacksepticeye, Markiplier, bestfriendsand so on, he continued raising awareness even after the initial campaign.

Charity: Save The Children

Starting what is known as IndieGoGo campaign to raise money for Save the Children, he used his well earned fame to give out prizes for those who donated. Prizes included a personalized email if you were to donate $25, a set of headphones for $1000, shoutout on Twitter for $100, and for $50.000 he would go and hang out with you at your corporation office for a day. Two $50k prizes were claimed as Felix was able to give up 2 days in order to raise $100.000 for a charity he cares about.

Charity: Red

The charitable donations don't stop there, whole $1.3 million was raised by PewDiePie and his friends for a charity called Red, an organization which fights against AIDS. The event itself was called “Cringemas” which took place on his channel along with other YouTubers, such as JackSepticEye, Markiplier, Emma Blackery, who were partnered with Ravelmode network in hopes to aid the nonprofit organization Red.

We raised $1300000 to RED with cringemas!!!!
Thank you all for donating! Thats a huge impact!

— pewdiepie (@pewdiepie) December 10, 2016

With many charities done before Cringemas, by the late 2016, this was by far one of the biggest fundraising campaigns seen from the YouTube community. The stream’s output came out to more than $2.700 per minute, or about $45 per second. Proving once more that creators and their fans are willing and able to do some serious good.

Felix has alongside this done many other charities, notable ones being:

-Apple Games for Red

-Ellen’s Gaming Charity

-Humble Bundle and Crisis Text Line

-PewDiePie’s war against T-Series for @CRYINDIA

Follow up for more awesome news on his charitable donations and his work on our source material from Fraghero